Ukraine food – New restaurant opened at Kerklaan in Groningen

We went to the newly opened restaurant with Ukrainian food at Kerklaan in Groningen. It’s just a minute away from the Noorderplantsoen, so a great location when going for a walk in the park and wanting to experience some authentic, East-European cuisine. Here are some of the impressions of the starters and main courses that we ordered.

Holubtsie, Deruny.. and more. Lekker! I feel particularly tempted to try Varenyky next time.

We will surely be back soon 🙂

OnlineGroningen.Com – Reactivated

Hallo folks, guess who is back? 🙂

After moving to Amsterdam in 2017 to follow my career at ING headquarters as an agile transformation expert and coach agile way of working, I decided to take the opportunity that the hybrid mode working brought (as a result of the global Covid-19 pandemic) and in April 2022 I moved back from Amsterdam to Groningen to my beloved Oranjebuurt, where my Groningen-story started back in 2004.

I work in Amsterdam but remotely from Groningen and I travel once a week but most of the time I am back in the town because.. ‘er gaat niets boven Groningen’.

Thus, after more than 5 years of silence on OnlineGroningen.Com due to Amsterdam dedication, I decided to reactivate the website and related accounts to continue with delivering on the purpose that I once have set, and that is ‘to empower internationals of Groningen to connect, learn, exchange experiences and stay up to date with news and developments from Groningen and the surroundings’.

Happy to be back in Groningen, happy to connect again. Stay tuned!



The Night Mayor of Groningen announced!


Oelinda de Vries, 22 year old citizen of Groningen and, as she describes herself, a party animal well-known among going-out students, has won the elections for the role of the Night Mayor of Groningen for 2016-2018.

Continue reading The Night Mayor of Groningen announced!

Google introduces self-driving bike in the Netherlands

Here we are. Watching Google introducing self-driving bike in the Netherlands. When you live in the Netherlands you know how an important role a proper bicycle is playing in your life. Smart and safe bike takes you on a ride knowing what to do and it is doing it for you.

Continue reading Google introduces self-driving bike in the Netherlands

Facebook pages I like and follow in Groningen

Facebook pages I like and follow online in Groningen as Online Groningen. By liking and following these pages I am hoping to stay up to date with news, events, projects, possible job opportunities in Groningen and in the province and all other “worth to know” information. The list does not include tones of other pages that I like and follow on my private profile.

Continue reading Facebook pages I like and follow in Groningen